Baseline Database

Section 4.12 of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact required each State to submit a list to the Compact Council of all Diversions, Consumptive Uses and Withdrawals of Basin Water that existed in each of the States on December 8, 2008. The information that was submitted established a baseline for determining what is a New or Increased Diversion, Consumptive Use or Withdrawal of Basin Water.  Each of the States submitted their lists in accordance with the Compact.

The information included in this database includes all information submitted by the States. All information is subject to revision and correction by the submitting States, and only the information contained in the submitting State's records can be considered current and accurate.  The State of Illinois, pursuant to Section 4.14.4 of the Compact, was not required to submit a list. 

If a Withdrawer's Name is not included in the record, it was not included in the information submitted by the State.

Annual Water Use information can be found at the Great Lakes Regional Water Use Database (External Site)

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